Dear Professional colleagues,


My warm wishes to eveyone! As we know, the importance of the future leaders of the world, I would like to congratulate our recently qualified Chartered Accountant who have achived their first step of success.

May all of them achieve pinnacle in their career and embark their journey.

Our mission is to groom young minds and hearts as the pillar of advancement for the future. The team ensures the fair conduct of all the upcoming events and hoping for the maximum involvement of the students. All events are organised in order to enhance the knowledge and skills of the students as well as for their appreciation.

The Institute endeavours to comfort the students with all the necessary knowledge and skills to become truly successful . In a professional career hard work and
discipline are the sure roads towards success. I will support students in achieving those golden ambitions and support them with my presence in any situation.
So students, let’s take a call for this year also welcome a fresh financial year.

With our feet firmly planted on the ground, we ambitiously look forward to a sky of unexplored opportunities and challenges. we are poised to grow along with the growth of our nation and economy.

Stay healthy and safe
Best wishes
CA Nimisha Rohit Agarwal
Executive Member